Sunday, August 21, 2011

Garden Mint Tea

It is a rainy summer Sunday ... a good day to curl up with a book and a heart warming cup of fresh mint tea!! I have a lot of it growing in my garden ... toooooo much! The first couple of summers I pulled it out, hoed it out and said a few words to it but it always grew back and twice as much. Then I turned it around - I learned how to brew fresh mint tea. I love mint tea but I never thought about brewing it own from my very own garden. So now, that pesky weed has become my best sooooothing friend - go figure!?!

Its an excellent remedy for reducing symptoms related to digestion - and it taste great going down! Try a cup next time you have an upset stomach or after a big meal when you are feeling "full".

I will suggest that if you don't already have a patch in your garden, plant some in a container - it can over take and get into your lawn. In the spring, herb gardens are available. If you received one from our shop, check it out because you may have one in your mini garden. Clip a handful of leaves and let it steep in your pot for a couple of minutes and enjoy!

Join me, Belinda, in my garden and kitchen showing you how easy it is to make a cup of fresh mint tea and how to care for your herbal container gardens in the video "Garden Mint Tea". Watch our youtube channel at


Manotick Florists
1160 Beaverwood Road
Manotick, Ontario